ADELI (association for a balanced development of the forest in Limousin)

ADELI (association for a balanced development of the forest in Limousin)


Adeli is an interprofessional association whose objective is to bring together neighbouring private owners in order to set up sufficient site units to trigger stand improvement operations and equipment work (storage area, wood loading area). Adeli's technicians, partly financed by the region, help to define the appropriate silvicultural interventions, constitute grouping files and carry out site receptions. Thanks to this animation, the stands are put back into management with dynamic silviculture that will eventually produce quality wood.

Thanks to Adeli, the overheads and prospecting costs of economic operators are reduced. Cost implementation of volumes mobilized is 3-4 € m3 depending on the files.

To initiate a grouped site, it is necessary at least 3 owners, for a site surface of at least 8 ha (4h for hardwoods), within a radius of 2km. Owners and operators must commit to a sustainable management certification system and pay membership fees: €25/year and €250/year respectively.
Once the grouping is completed, aid is provided by the region for owners ranging from 200 € to 500 €/ha for stand improvement. For aid for the creation of equipment, the maximum aid before tax is € 6500.
The sites implemented by ADELI mobilize 650 ha of stands every year, 50% of which are deciduous for a wood volume of 45,000 to 50,000 m3.

Region of origin
Type of wood
Origin of wood
Mobilization Potential
+ 45 000 m3 and + 650 ha of improved forest every year
Kind of wood concerned
Sustainability Potential
Very positive
Impact on environment & biodiversity

Improves biodiversity through stand improvement work

Ease of implementation
Very easy: territorial forest animation
Economic impact
Reduction in mobilization costs and increase in operators' turnover (€878,000 in turnover in 2014)
Job effect
Positive impact: additional forestry work (in 2014: + 15 working days)
Income effect
Increased income for the forest operator
Specific knowledge needed
Key prerequisites

Amount of aid for owners = €100,000 per year

Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Digital solution
Country of origin
Region of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
2000 -
Contact data
Owner or author
References and Resources
Project under which this factsheet has been created