eMOBOIS | Data exchange platform for forest industries

eMOBOIS | Data exchange platform for forest industries

eMOBOIS is a platform facilitating the exchange of information between companies in the forest paper industry: forest contractors, wood buyers, transporters, sawmills, paper mills, other wood customers. It is based on the standardization of the data and IT language.

The use of IT tools is increasing in companies in the Forest-Wood sector. This computerisation goes hand in hand with an increased need for digital data. In this context, eMOBOIS offers a framework to facilitate the linking of IT systems belonging to each company, without interfering with their internal management processes. The founding element of the project is the standardisation of data and data exchange. The objective of eMOBOIS is therefore to facilitate the exchange of information between two companies involved in the wood procurement process. The use of a common language when exchanging information is proposed to avoid multiplying the development of computer interfaces. eMOBOIS focuses on the transaction of data from one company to another. There is no interference in companies' IT choices or in the processing of data by companies. The approach is compatible with the diversity of IT solutions encountered. The main benefits are time-efficiency, safety and reliability, a better productivity and communication between the stakeholders, and also a real-time update of the stocks.

Основний домен
Заготівля, інфраструктура, логістика
Ключові слова
Collaboration exchange data standardization
Виклик розглянуто
5. Посиленння економічної та екологічної ефективності ланцюжків поставок лісу
Тип рішення
Платформи даних, хаби даних, відриті дані
Цифрові рішення
Країна походження
Масштаби застосування
Початок і кінець року
2017 -
Контактні дані
Власник або автор
Henri Husson
References and Resources
Presentation flyer
Краща практика розроблена в рамках проекту
Rosewood 4.0