Collection an use of urban wood waste

Collection an use of urban wood waste


TEGA operates in urban public services area and initiated large campaign for wood residue collection in cities/villages in Covasna County. TEGA uses wood chips as fuel in its heating plant and provide heating for its workshops, offices. The capacity of the heat boiler is 200 kWt.
The idea was to collect wood residues from green areas. Collected wood residues are chopped and crushed and can be delivered for energy production. Types of collected waste wood: i.e. forest sanitation, gardening cuttings and cleaning operations. The types of biomass used are wood residues (barks, chips, branches).

Energy problems are so acute, that it is no longer possible to satisfy the local’s constantly growing needs. This growth of energy demand must be increasingly satisfied by diversified energy sources, including sustainable and renewable resources. Biomass is a renewable energy option that can be practical and safe, can strengthen the circular economy, and can help ease the urgent strain on our planet’s ecosystem.

TEGA company promotes and invests in acceleration of the entire biomass chain. The company members participate in collection, chipping activities and produce more than 500 m3 woodchips. They use this biomass material and valorize at the company. Moreover, training sessions on bioenergy issues, active involvement in local projects such as at waste collection actions TEGA company was actively involved.

Тип деревини
Перероблена деревина або деревні відходи
Походження деревини
Муніципальні ліси, міське садове господарство
Потенціал для мобілізації
500 m3 comparing to normal practice, affected area is 3400 km2
Тип деревини
Wood residuals, branches, barks, chips, old wreaths, christmas trees, etc
Потенціал для сталості
Very positive
Вплив на навколишнє середовище та біорізноманіття

TEGA S.A. focused on the economic sustainability of the initiatives based on the circular economic model.

Легкість впровадження
Економічний вплив
257 employees, Turnover 1 mil. €
Вплив на створення робочих місць
20 new jobs
Вплив на створення прибутку
The activity of the company is more sustainable by reducing the energy expenses
Потреба в особливих знаннях
Biomass management, energy engeneering
Ключові передумови

Urban wood waste to energy

Основний домен
Енергія з деревини
Цифрові рішення
Країна походження
Масштаби застосування
Початок і кінець року
2010 -
References and Resources
Краща практика розроблена в рамках проекту