Methodology for the evaluation and standardisation of the economic - financial sustainability of the poplars plantations in Castile and León


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Methodology for the evaluation and standardisation of the economic - financial sustainability of the poplars plantations in Castile and León


The proposal proposes to methodology for the evaluation of the economic and financial sustainability of the poplar plantations, incorporating to the most usual analysis of profitability, by means of the calculation of the IRR and NPV indicators, the perspective of annual revenue for the forest owners. The methodology seeks to lay down the principles of the economic aspects to bear in mind, overcoming the approach of the calculation based only on the costs and income for hectare and it was not possible to compare with other crops.

In progress

The analysis with this new perspective allows to evaluate the rentability of the activity and to compare it with those of other agrarian crops which can occupy the same surfaces. In addition, they have stable subsidies that increase their competitiveness in the agro-forestry areas. The proposal establishes for the first time the term "forest income" for consideration to the "agrarian income", with which shares many assailable aspects. The comparative one between the calculation of both incomes can be of great usefulness for the invest decisions on the part of the owners, managers and responsible administrations.

Región pôvodu
Druh dreva
Kmeňové drevo
Pôvod dreva
Mobilzačný potenciál
Uvažovaný druh dreva
Poplar stemwood
Potenciál udržateľnosti
Vplyv na životné prostredie a biodiverzitu


Uľahčenie implmentácie
Ekonomický vplyv
Dopad na zamestnanosť
Dopad na príjmy
Potreba špecifických znalostí
Economic costs, clon selection
kľúčové prepoklady

Rentability, markets

1. doména (hlavná)
Produkty, trhy, obchod
Digitalne riešenie
Krajina pôvodu
Región pôvodu
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
2018 -
Kontaktné údaje
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