The project has as objective to overcome the difficulties in the trade of the timber resource. This problem was identified, by the forest enterprises of the region, in the lack of managment and in the economical crisis making forest enterprises unable to sell the timber at a proper price. The system aims to create a modular system and with different measure units of offers and sales from the forest enterprises directly. The platform that, simoultaneously, is able to collect all the data timber related thanks to on-site apps can provide useful services and to ensure the traceability of the timber. The platform will be malleable to forest enterprises requests. |
1. doména (hlavná)
Produkty, trhy, obchod
Výskum a vývoj
Správa inovácií, digitálne uzly, klastre, využívanie (priebežné)
Typ riešenia
marketingové platformy
Digitalne riešenie
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
- Hlavná webstránka
Dátum odoslania
piatok, 13 august, 2021 - 08:40
Projekt, v rámci ktorého bol tento informačný prehľad vytvorený
Rosewood 4.0