Woodchain | Blockchain applied to PEFC Chain of Custody

Woodchain | Blockchain applied to PEFC Chain of Custody

The project aims at testing the application of Blockchain technology in the frame of a PEFC certified supply chain. The solution can be applied both as part of the obligations of Due Diligence and in the PEFC Chain of Custody management.

The efficiency, security and inviolability of the blockchain system support forest certification and the forest-wood supply chain with a view to "ensuring certainty and informing according to truth". The Woodchain project involves, together with PEFC Italy and PEFC France, various Turin and Val di Susa realities: Replant Srl, Foodchain spa, La Foresta, Alta Val Susa forest consortium, F. Roche sas, Silva cooperative company and Kaboom Srl.
The purpose of the study is to test the application of blockchain technology as an innovative IT (information technology) solution for forestry and wood applications. This technology allows you to create and manage a large distributed database for managing transactions shared between multiple nodes on a network. The nodes represent the users or entities participating in the network, which contribute to the constitution of the actual blocks, each containing multiple transactions, connected together in the network, which allow decentralization and participation in the management of information and data.
Specifically, the project's objective is to strengthen trust and traceability along value chains, create an efficient and accessible sustainable forest management certification, and encourage the evolution of certification, data collection and impact measurement processes.

1. doména (hlavná)
Inventarizácia, posudzovanie, monitoring/monitorovanie
Ťažba, infraštruktúra, logistika
Správa inovácií, digitálne uzly, klastre, využívanie (priebežné)
Kľúčové slová
Traceability tool
Riešená výzva
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Typ riešenia
Nástroje na vysledovateľnosť
Digitalne riešenie
Krajina pôvodu
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
Kontaktné údaje
Vlastník alebo autor
Replant srl
Andrea Crocetta
References and Resources
Projekt, v rámci ktorého bol tento informačný prehľad vytvorený
Rosewood 4.0