

Development and commercialization of wooden windows made of old, discarded wood, with special emphasis on wooden beams

The operation reduces the amount of discarded wood, which is otherwise deposited at landfills or burned. A new service life is given to old wood and its lifetime is extended, which directly influence the prolongation of CO2 storage. The key sources of old wood will are defined, technological solutions for the use of such wood was developed and procedures for the production of windows were developed in cooperation with R&D institutions with an emphasis on the analysis of contaminated wood, physical properties of wood and the appropriate surface treatment of such products.

M Sora has developed a prototype of a timber window ReWin made of disposed timber. ReWin window is a unique example of a product that was developed by recycling the disposed timber that would otherwise end up at landfill, and represents a completely fresh idea and innovation in the field of builders’ joinery.

Región pôvodu
Druh dreva
Recyklované alebo odpadové drevo
Pôvod dreva
Dekonštrukčné práce
Mobilzačný potenciál
all well preserved construction wood
Uvažovaný druh dreva
Recycled wood, discarded wood
Potenciál udržateľnosti
Very positive
Vplyv na životné prostredie a biodiverzitu

Reuse of old wood

Uľahčenie implmentácie
Funds and knowledge to develop windows from discarded wood
Ekonomický vplyv
Enhancement of regionally added value / more efficient working processes /active learning
Dopad na zamestnanosť
Better qualified staff
Dopad na príjmy
Positive / new technology
Potreba špecifických znalostí
Knowledge on wood properties and the appropriate surface treatment of wooden products
kľúčové prepoklady

Funds and knowledge to develop window from discarded wood

1. doména (hlavná)
Odvetvie drevených konštrukcií
Výskum a vývoj
Riešená výzva
6. Rozvoj lesného biohospodárstva prostredníctvom obehového využívania a produktov s pridanou hodnotou
Digitalne riešenie
Krajina pôvodu
Región pôvodu
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
2017 - 2018
Kontaktné údaje
Vlastník alebo autor
Slovenian Forestry Institute
References and Resources
Projekt, v rámci ktorého bol tento informačný prehľad vytvorený