"proHolz Schwarzwald c/o Service GmbH Bau-Ausbau"

"proHolz Schwarzwald c/o Service GmbH Bau-Ausbau"


In order to strengthen the competitiveness of forestry and timber industry and to promote the use of wood, eleven regional partner institutions founded the regional cluster initiative proHolz Schwarzwald. An important basis for this initiative is the high importance of forest and wood in the Black Forest. In particular, forestry, wood and sawing industry as well as carpentries have a high performance and great potential for innovations. proHolz Schwarzwald provides a information platform for industry members and the public about forestry, wood and timber constructions.

Bringing together regional networks and motivating partners are the key to success. Working on a personal level is the most important key to implement a successful network.

Accomplishment of several projects along the chain of custody focusing on the regional added value.

Región pôvodu
Druh dreva
Kmeňové drevo
Pôvod dreva
Mobilzačný potenciál
Depending on project & partners
Uvažovaný druh dreva
Depending on project & partners
Potenciál udržateľnosti
Vplyv na životné prostredie a biodiverzitu

Positive, highlighting the added value of forestry for environment, humans and resources

Uľahčenie implmentácie
Ekonomický vplyv
Positive / Enhancement of regionally added value
Dopad na zamestnanosť
Better networking along the value chain
Dopad na príjmy
Potreba špecifických znalostí
Networking skills
kľúčové prepoklady

Good networking abilities are needed  and an interest along the value chain to cooperate and work together

1. doména (hlavná)
Vzdelávanie a odborná príprava
Správa inovácií, digitálne uzly, klastre, využívanie (priebežné)
Digitalne riešenie
Krajina pôvodu
Región pôvodu
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
Kontaktné údaje
Vlastník alebo autor
References and Resources
Projekt, v rámci ktorého bol tento informačný prehľad vytvorený