Marteloscopes | Demo plots for silvicultural training of forestry practicionners

Marteloscopes | Demo plots for silvicultural training of forestry practicionners

Martelosopes are silvicultural demo plots used to train the decision-making capabilities in the context forest management approaches and silvicultural interventions based on transparent data.

The marteloscope plots have exact defined surfaces with each tree numbered and measured for long-term studies. Using software and mobile devices, the demo concept allows direct feedback on silvicultural decisions and related ecological and economic effects during training. Evaluation of different management strategies and their consequences can be objectively discussed by forest practitioners, authorities, decision makers, scientists or other interested groups directly on site. Silviculture is based on scientific principles. With well-documented observation plots and marteloscopes, we provide instructive visual and practice objects and also learn ourselves from their development. The aim is to preserve silvicultural knowledge and make it accessible for practice.

Druh dreva
Kmeňové drevo
Pôvod dreva
Mobilzačný potenciál
1 – 2 m³/ha
Uvažovaný druh dreva
Potenciál udržateľnosti
Very positive
Vplyv na životné prostredie a biodiverzitu

Better decisions lead to more appropriate results and thereby environment and biodiversity issues can be addressed more precisely

Uľahčenie implmentácie
Ekonomický vplyv
- 10€/ha
Dopad na zamestnanosť
Dopad na príjmy
Potreba špecifických znalostí
Silvicultural knowledge
kľúčové prepoklady

On every plot the same indicators have to be elevated

1. doména (hlavná)
Lesné hospodárstvo/hospodárska úprava lesa, pestovanie lesa, ekosystémové služby, odolonosť
Kľúčové slová
Marteloscope; silviculture training; didactical tool
Riešená výzva
4. Zabezpečiť dobre vyškolenú pracovnú silu prostredníctvom atraktívneho rozvoja zručností a vzdelávania
Digitalne riešenie
Krajina pôvodu
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
2011 -
Kontaktné údaje
Vlastník alebo autor
Fachstelle Waldbau, Bildungszentrum Wald Lyss
Peter Ammann
BFH Berne University of Applied Sciences
Moritz Dreher
References and Resources
Projekt, v rámci ktorého bol tento informačný prehľad vytvorený
Rosewood 4.0