Digitalized Groundwater Measuring Station System

Digitalized Groundwater Measuring Station System

Digitalized Groundwater Measuring Station System contains information about the movement of water which is very important for oak and other native species in forests. 
Groundwater Measuring Station System

In the last ten years, Croatia records an increased number of dried oaks. Due to the adverse effect of rainwater and groundwater, various pests, insects and caterpillars, the yield of forest seed is diminishing which is key in the renewal of oak forest areas. 

Digitalized Groundwater Measuring Station System was developed within the project „Protecting the English Oak in the Hungary-Croatia cross-border region”. Project coordinator was forest company Mecsekerdő Zrt. from Hungary and project partner was Croatian Forest Ltd., Forest administration Našice (Croatia).

System contains information about the movement of water which is very important for oak and other native species in forests. Measuring Station System records groundwater oscillation and changes in pressure and registers new data every two hours. Forest managers can use this information for responding to the trend of decrease or increment of groundwater and timely respond to changes.

The main result of Oak protection project is the installament of cross border groundwater monitoring system, comprised of 50 stationary pipes, automatically recording groundwater and meteorological data. 

Sursa de lemn
Domeniu 1 (principal)
Managementul pădurilor, silvicultura, servicii ecosistemice, reziliență
Cuvinte cheie
Water movement meausuring station system.
Provocare abordată
1. Îmbunătățirea rezilienței pădurilor și adaptarea la schimbările climatice
Tip de soluție
Instrumente de consiliere și servicii pentru proprietarii de păduri
Soluție digitală
Țara de origine
Scara de aplicare
Anul de început și de sfârșit
2017 - 2019
Date de contact
Proprietar sau autor
Croatian Forests Ltd, Forest Administration Našice
Competence Centre Ltd. for research and development
Phd Ivan Ambroš
References and Resources
Referință proiect
Protecting the English Oak in the Hungary-Croatia cross-border region
Video gallery
Proiectul în cadrul căruia a fost creată această fișă informativă
Rosewood 4.0