Implementation of a efficient logistic for wood-chips prodcution and the energetic valorisation

Implementation of a efficient logistic for wood-chips prodcution and the energetic valorisation LogistiCIPlus

Logistic efficiency for wood energy production, through environemental soundness and high quality woody biomass
The project deals with the increased efficiency of energy production from woody biomass, through the improvement of the logistic of the supply chain. The project involve the adoption of a traceability tool and sustainability calculator. The objective is to lie down the basis for an improvement in the managment of the forest sites to reduce the CO2 of the woody biomass supply chain from the beginning. The output of the project is the implementation of the best practices that will emerge during the project and will grant to the forest enterprises the a tool to monitor the biomass fluxes from site to site paired with theability to certificate the quality of the biomass
Domeniu 1 (principal)
Recoltare, infrastructură, logistică
Industria energiei din lemn
Finanțare, scheme de finanțare (transversale)
Cuvinte cheie
Soluție digitală
Scara de aplicare
Regional/ sub-național
Anul de început și de sfârșit
2018 - 2021
Date de contact
Proprietar sau autor
Massimo Ramina
Andrea Argnani
References and Resources
Proiectul în cadrul căruia a fost creată această fișă informativă
Rosewood 4.0