Turned larch and chestnut poles

Turned larch and chestnut poles


The sawmills have made an investment for the purchase of a machine suitable for turning wooden poles. The aim was to use local and naturally durable wood species without adding chemical impregnating agents (chestnut in Tuscany, larch in Trentino) to offer turned stakes for fences, wooden toys and outdoor furniture on the market. The approach was to innovate the production process to better exploit the characteristics of the two species, also with a view to increasing consumers' environmental sensitivity (0 km wood, without the use of chemical impregnating agents). The larch on the Alpine arc and the chestnut on the Apennine ridge certainly are not lacking in Italy, just as the small or less assortments market that could be in this way valued. The investments for the plant and the training of the personnel must be carefully evaluated, but good margins can be imagined. To enhance this type of production, widely used for public urban furnishings, the willingness of Public Administrations to develop "green purchasing" policies must be carefully evaluated. The Casolla sawmill produces around 600-800 m3 of larch turned piles per year, PEFC certified, of which about 70% is turned out of heart and 30% with heart. The product is much appreciated, every year new customers are added to those already established and the practice of replacing, once consumed, pine poles impregnated with those in local larch is spreading. A great result for the Casolla Sawmill was the supply of large quantities of this product for EXPO 2015 (Milan). This aspect represents a negative for the Tani sawmill, because many Tuscan administrations continue to buy turned and impregnated products of foreign origin. The company currently produces around 3,000 q of turned, chestnut but also douglasia, less than the potential it had set for itself.

Regiunea de origine
Tipul de lemn
Lemn masiv
Sursa de lemn
Potențialul de mobilizare
50.000 chestnut poles/year
Tipul de lemn în cauză
Potențial de sustenabilitate
Impactul asupra mediului și biodiversității

the turned chestnut poles allow to use also the biggest diameters of the chestnut plants that otherwise would be used for the firewood; in that way we have a sink of co2 in a wood based product for a longer time.

Facilitatea de implementare
Impact economic
Each turned chestnut poles is sold in media around 10 euro
Efect asupra locurilor de muncă
A full-time person could be employed
Efect asupra veniturilor
Nome for the moment
Cunoștințe specifice necesare
Notions of wood technology and mechanics
Condiții cheie prealabile

Turned chestnut poles
FMMF il legno
Local wood

Domeniu 1 (principal)
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Regional/ sub-național
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