Handbook Praticsols

Handbook Praticsols


It is a handbook on the practicability of forest plots. The machines work all year round in the forest and sometimes in unfavourable weather conditions. With an average cutting period of 6 to 10 years, soils have little time to recover in the event of major impacts. Soil compaction and rutting can cause productivity losses on the nearest trees. The handbook aims to give recommendations at each stage of the forest site and for each actor in the mobilisation of wood.

The guide aims to improve the quality of forest sites and consequently to make wood cutting more acceptable to the general public.

The handbook contains 23 recommendations throughout the wood mobilisation chain: during forest management, before the forest site, during the site, after the site and in the company. For example, it indicates to the owners the good practices to adopt to avoid a too important impact of the ground during the building site, like knowing the feasibility of the grounds, the elements of the ground, and the sensitive zones.

Tipul de lemn
Lemn masiv
Sursa de lemn
Potențialul de mobilizare
Tipul de lemn în cauză
Stemwood or woody biomass
Potențial de sustenabilitate
Very positive
Impactul asupra mediului și biodiversității

Limites the impact of machines on the ground

Facilitatea de implementare
Impact economic
Efect asupra locurilor de muncă
Efect asupra veniturilor
Cunoștințe specifice necesare
Condiții cheie prealabile

to be adapted according to the climate, terrain and machines of each country

Domeniu 1 (principal)
Managementul pădurilor, silvicultura, servicii ecosistemice, reziliență
Educație și training
Soluție digitală
Țara de origine
Scara de aplicare
Anul de început și de sfârșit
References and Resources
Proiectul în cadrul căruia a fost creată această fișă informativă