Castilla y León forest resources mobilization programme

Castilla y León forest resources mobilization programme


The forestry activity in Castilla y León is one of the most important in the forest Spanish context in terms of size and balance between the different agents and aspects of the value chain, in terms of productive area, production and productive potential, and variety and type of products. The globalization and duration of the economic crisis, affected the decrease of resources, this raised business difficulties and changes in the current management model. The programme was proposed as an instrument to stimulate economic activity and the development of the forest management.

In progress

The first objective is to increase the value of sustainable production, the productivity of the forests and the sector in the region. This would improve the main economic and employment parameters linked to the regional forestry sector. The programme development has allowed increasing the market of wood in Castilla y León.

Regiunea de origine
Tipul de lemn
Lemn masiv
Sursa de lemn
Potențialul de mobilizare
3,1Million m3
Tipul de lemn în cauză
Stemwood. Above and below ground woody biomass (ex. shrubs, wood for fibres, wood for energy)
Potențial de sustenabilitate
Very positive
Impactul asupra mediului și biodiversității

Very positive

Facilitatea de implementare
Impact economic
Efect asupra locurilor de muncă
Efect asupra veniturilor
Domeniu 1 (principal)
Managementul pădurilor, silvicultura, servicii ecosistemice, reziliență
Soluție digitală
Țara de origine
Regiunea de origine
Scara de aplicare
Regional/ sub-național
Anul de început și de sfârșit
2014 - 2022
Date de contact
Proprietar sau autor
References and Resources
Proiectul în cadrul căruia a fost creată această fișă informativă