RED FAITH as a tool of digital forestry and development of forests

RED FAITH as a tool of digital forestry and development of forests RED FAITH

RED FAITH alat za digitalizaciju šumarstva i razvoj šuma
RED FAITH - Restoring Ecological Diversity of Forests with Airborne Imaging Technologies. Digital forestry: precision technology and knowledge for the development of forest aiming reduction of invasive species and analyzation of the surface. Due to the project the data collection was created with drones and based on the remote sensing datas the forest could be developed thus the forestry could be a service of the sustainability.
RED FAITH - Restoring Ecological Diversity of Forests with Airborne Imaging Technologies

The project set the overall objective of contributing to preservation and protection of biodiversity in forest areas by supporting forestries and other organizations responsible for managing habitats in detailed, up-to-date monitoring with airborne imaging. As specific objectives it accelerates reactions to emerging hazards, protects/restores natural assets by enabling forestries to select most efficient interventions, improves knowledge of forest engineers, raise awareness on forest values and sets up cross border cooperation of forestries.

Region pochodzenia
Główna kategoria
Zarządzanie lasem, gospodarka leśna, usługi ekosystemowe, odporność
Słowa kluczowe
Restoring Diversity Airborne Imaging
1. Poprawa odporności lasu i adaptacja do zmian klimatu
Rodzaj rozwiązania
Platformy z danymi, centra danych, otwarte dane
Rozwiązanie cyfrowe
Kraj pochodzenia
Region pochodzenia
Skala aplikacji
Rok rozpoczęcia i zakończenia
2017 - 2019
Dane kontaktowe
Właściciel lub twórca
Government of Baranya County
Yvette Szabados
Osoba przygotowująca fiszkę
Hrvatske šume d.o.o.
Boris Ljubojević
Źródła i materiały
„Interreg V-A Program“ Cross-border cooperation Hungary-Croatia 2014.-2020.
Projekt, w ramach którego stworzona została niniejsza fiszka
Rosewood 4.0