AJA | Environmental sensors for real-time forest ecosystem monitoring

AJA | Environmental sensors for real-time forest ecosystem monitoring

Forest health solution built upon an innovative sensor technology for real-time ecosystem monitoring

The startup foldAI has developed sensors to screen health status of forests providing forest managers with a rich understanding of their forest ecosystems, and a decision toolbox to deploy immediate mitigating actions. The team’s solution, Aja, used in the sensors is  a framework for ecosystem management based on deep technology. By harnessing state-of-art Machine Learning on precise, real-time sensor data, Aja can not only detect forest threats as they happen, but even predict their arising and forecast their unfolding. Aja improves forest health, resilience and bioeconomical performance by introducing lean processes to a broad ecosystem management community. It helps reducing greenhouse emissions by scaling high resolution forest management through a fully automated and affordable solution for more than 30 Million forest owners in Europe, Russia and North America. The solution builds on embedded Machine Learning, and biochemical and environmental signal processing on high-dimensional data. Use cases comprise the assessment of environmental impacts enabling greater accuracy in the evaluation of the environmental consequences of a strategy or policy, risks assessment including alerts to threats, biodiversity quantification and ecosystem health tracking. Aja’s significant carbon reduction impact has been independently certified by The Climate Impact Forecast.

Region pochodzenia
Potencjał dla zrównoważonego rozwoju
Sustainable forest management is strongly supported by real time data on the forest's health status
Wpływ na środowisko i bioróżnorodność

The solution helps to monitor ecosystem functions of forests and biodiversity, thereby improving risk management 

Główna kategoria
Inwentaryzacja, ocena, monitoring zasobów
Zarządzanie lasem, gospodarka leśna, usługi ekosystemowe, odporność
Zaburzenia ekosystemów leśnych, ryzyka, reagowanie na klęski i katastrofy
Słowa kluczowe
forest monitoring; sensors; machine learning; biodiversity
1. Poprawa odporności lasu i adaptacja do zmian klimatu
Rodzaj rozwiązania
Czujniki, sprzęt pomiarowy
Rozwiązanie cyfrowe
Kraj pochodzenia
Region pochodzenia
Skala aplikacji
Rok rozpoczęcia i zakończenia
2019 -
Dane kontaktowe
Właściciel lub twórca
Dr. Friedrich Förster
Osoba przygotowująca fiszkę
Dr. Marie-Charlotte Hoffmann
Źródła i materiały
Projekt, w ramach którego stworzona została niniejsza fiszka
Rosewood 4.0