Forest Roads for Civil Protection

Forest Roads for Civil Protection FORCIP+

Δασικοί δρόμοι για πολιτική προστασία
The project aims at improving the use of the rural road network in case of emergency, especially forest fires. ​
Forest Roads for Civil Protection is a european project that aims at protecting forests from fires. ​

Through transnational cooperation a wide range of inventories of existing road infrastructure will be accessible, ​ different requirements will be met and a ​ homogeneous model will be established. ​ ICT applications will be developed to improve the efficiency of use and​ propose improvements on the maintenance​ ​Forest fire fighting vehicles will be equipped with GNSS receivers in order to improve time response and increase fuel savings.​ ​Fire specialists will be able to use network analysis for resources planning, locating most suitable places for ground means waiting areas or identifying forest surfaces where takes longer to access. ​ ​Other actors involved in emergencies will be able to use web management applications and public information.

Główna kategoria
Inwentaryzacja, ocena, monitoring zasobów
Zaburzenia ekosystemów leśnych, ryzyka, reagowanie na klęski i katastrofy
Słowa kluczowe
Inventories cartography GPS GIS
Rodzaj rozwiązania
Platformy z danymi, centra danych, otwarte dane
Rozwiązanie cyfrowe
Kraj pochodzenia
Rok rozpoczęcia i zakończenia
2016 - 2017
Dane kontaktowe
Właściciel lub twórca
Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Petros Patias
Źródła i materiały
Projekt, w ramach którego stworzona została niniejsza fiszka
Rosewood 4.0