Ex post evaluation of the program ‘rural area’ 2007 until 2013 in NRW, forestal funding (ELER-Codes 123-B, 125-B, 224 und 227)

Ex post evaluation of the program ‘rural area’ 2007 until 2013 in NRW, forestal funding (ELER-Codes 123-B, 125-B, 224 und 227)


In the program “rural area” 2007 until 2013 followiing weaknesses were found in NRW:
High share of small scale private forests
Associations to reduce structural disadvantages often too small
Unfavorable age class proportion of the forests due to historical reasons
Logging potential is not being used
Therefore following measures were implemented:
Increase of the value added in forestry products (ELER-Code 123-B)
Forestal road construction (ELER-Code 125-B)
Natura 2000 – Forest (ELER-Code 224)
Forest restructuring (ELER-Code 227)
Soil liming (ELER-Code 227)
Environmental protection (ELER-Code 227)

The funding in general was suitable to support reaching the goals. But due to the small amount of funding the effect of the projects on the state NRW was limited. So future funding should concentrate more on finding solutions for problems caused by the small-scale structure of the forests and on finding more sales opportunities.

ELER-Code 123-B:
Number of jobs could be increased, but the goals could not be reached (40 more jobs, goal: 100 more jobs)
Gross value added was higher than before the project
ELER-Code 125-B:
Amount of harvested wood could be increased from 356.000 m³ to 536.000 m³ due to road construction and costs for logging & logging distance could be decreased
ELER-Code 227:
Long-term improvement of the biodiversity in the forests due to restructuring can be expected
Slightly positive effect on biodiversity through soil liming can be expected (increases stability of the forests)
ELER-Code 224:
As part of the Natura 2000 funding, the following requirements had to be fulfilled: Support of habitat-typical rejuvenescence

Type tre
Tre fra rundtvirke
Opprinnelse for tre
It was an assessment of several funding processes.
Type tre involvert
positive effects of the total forestal funding
Påvirkning på miljø og biologisk mangfold

Positive on biodiversity and forest resilience enhancement

Enkel implementering
Økonomisk påvirkning
5 Mio. € more gross value added in the involved businesses
Effekt på arbeidsplasser
Small effect with in total 40 more jobs in Funding ELER-Code 123-B
The aim was e.g. to initiate more efficient working processes
Spesifikke kunnskapsbehov
Enhanced knowledge on administrative and organizational processes needed.
Viktige forutsetninger

Funding came from the EU, the state NRW and private funds

Digital løsning
Start og slutt år
2007 - 2013
Kontakt informasjon
eier eller forfatter
References and Resources
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