DFCI (fire defence) forest track network

DFCI (fire defence) forest track network


A network of 42,000 km of DFCI tracks covers Aquitaine. In the Landes de Gascogne, the service network is the largest with 3.38 km per 100 ha of forest. These trails have a dual interest: fire fighting and access to forest sites for forestry equipment. They serve as firebreaks between forest plots and facilitate access to both fire and rescue services and logging operations. These forest tracks were created and are now maintained by DFCI's 241 ASAs (authorized syndical association) as well as private and public owners.

There are currently difficulties in renewing volunteers in these ASAs that lead to a loss of technical knowledge. The legislative and accounting context is becoming increasingly complex, which can become an obstacle to owners' involvement in the management of ASAs.
The regional Association of Aquitaine DFCI leads and accompanies the network of volunteers, particularly in the preparation of grant applications and public contracts.

DCFI’s ASAs are registered trade syndical associations of forest owners with the aim of maintaining infrastructure of collective and public interest at common expense. The ASAs are public establishments, under prefectural supervision, managed by the owners. They became compulsory throughout the Landes de Gascogne massif following the 1945 ordinance. An ASA has a delimited perimeter where all owners located inside become members. The ASA has work done to create and maintain tracks, ditches, water points and drilling. A contribution is required from members in order to finance the operation. The rules concerning the eligibility of owners for this contribution are laid down by the ASAs. Taxes average around 2.5 to 3 €/ha/year. Currently 2,500 volunteer forest owners are involved in the ASA, coordinated by the DFCI Aquitaine (association law 1901).

Type tre
Tre fra rundtvirke
Opprinnelse for tre
High potential for mobilzation by reducing fire risk and increasing accessibility to forest sites.
Type tre involvert
Very positive: ASAs under the supervision oft he prefecture
Påvirkning på miljø og biologisk mangfold

All infrastructures respect the articles of the
environment code

Enkel implementering
Medium: ASAs are public institutions but run by volunteers.
Økonomisk påvirkning
Tax for adherents
Effekt på arbeidsplasser
Facilitating work for forest contractors
Spesifikke kunnskapsbehov
Viktige forutsetninger

Involve forest owners, communicate the need for
runways and their maintenance, fire risk training for

Skogforvaltning, skogskjøtsel, økosystemtjenester
Avvirkning, infrastruktur, logistikk
Innovasjonsledelse, digitale knutepunkter, klynger
Digital løsning
Regional/deler av landet
Start og slutt år
Kontakt informasjon
eier eller forfatter
References and Resources
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