RED FAITH as a tool of digital forestry and development of forests
RED FAITH - Restoring Ecological Diversity of Forests with Airborne Imaging Technologies
The project set the overall objective of contributing to preservation and protection of biodiversity in forest areas by supporting forestries and other organizations responsible for managing habitats in detailed, up-to-date monitoring with airborne imaging. As specific objectives it accelerates reactions to emerging hazards, protects/restores natural assets by enabling forestries to select most efficient interventions, improves knowledge of forest engineers, raise awareness on forest values and sets up cross border cooperation of forestries.
Regija podrijetla
Glavno područje
Upravljanje šumama, uzgoj šuma, usluge ekosustava, otpornost
Ključne riječi
Restoring Diversity Airborne Imaging
1. Poboljšanje otpornosti šuma i prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama
Vrsta rješenja
Podatkovne platforme, centri podataka, javno dostupni podaci
Podatkovne platforme, centri podataka, javno dostupni podaci
Podatkovne platforme, centri podataka, javno dostupni podaci"
Digitalno rješenje
Zemlja podrijetla
Regija podrijetla
Područje primjene
Prekogranična / multilateralna
Početak i kraj godine
2017 - 2019Glavna web stranica
Referenca projekta
„Interreg V-A Program“ Cross-border cooperation Hungary-Croatia 2014.-2020.
Datum unosa
ponedjeljak, 17 travnja, 2023 - 09:21
Projekt u okviru kojeg je informativni list kreiran
Rosewood 4.0