Restructuring of quality timber harvesting and grading to diversify its production and improve its implementation in local markets

Restructuring of quality timber harvesting and grading to diversify its production and improve its implementation in local markets


The operational group was created to find a demonstration action to promote secondary hardwood species of high ecological value in the ES5110011 area of the Natura 2000 Network. At present, hardwood harvesting is practically limited to obtaining products with little or no added value, such as firewood or biofuels in general. This is the reason why the profitability of the uses is very compromised.

According to the analysis carried out, it is considered convenient to perform the following demonstrative actions:
- To manufacture a children's playground of wood of local origin and free of chemical treatments.
- Implement new wood grading systems as is done in other European countries.
- Articulate the different agents along the production chain
- Demonstrate that quality products can be made from locally sourced wood

Improving the profitability of timber harvesting by diversifying the products obtained. As a result, the aim is to guide forestry exploitation to obtain quality products, enter into the distribution chain of local and specialized markets, establish a more efficient logistic distribution process and extend the time needed to capture atmospheric carbon by using wood for uses with a longer service life than bioenergy.

Regija podrijetla
Odgovarajuća vrsta drva
Secondary hardwood species
Potencijal održivosti
Very positive
Utjecaj na okoliš i bioraznolikost


Jednostavnost provedbe
Gospodarski učinak
Učinak na zapošljivost
Učinak na prihod
Potrebna posebna znanja
Forest harvesting
Glavno područje
Upravljanje šumama, uzgoj šuma, usluge ekosustava, otpornost
Proizvodi, tržišta, razmjena
Industrije utemeljene na šumama, bio / kružna ekonomija
Digitalno rješenje
Zemlja podrijetla
Regija podrijetla
Područje primjene
Regionalno / podnacionalno
Početak i kraj godine
2015 - 2016
Kontakt podatci
Vlasnik ili autor
References and Resources
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