IT FOR II - Portale Legno Veneto

IT FOR II - Portale Legno Veneto IT FOR II

Portale Legno Veneto
Online marketing platform for local/regional wood supply chain.
Header of the platform

Online marketing platform for local/regional wood supply chain. The demand meets the offer in a digital platform where the public forest owners can put on auction their properties for forest enterprise. The platform also has a section where forest enterprise can show and promote themselves, offer roundwood, fire wood and their timber products as well as setting up ads for products their looking for. The platform also collect all the information about the regional auctions in order to provide useful data on the forest products sector.

Domaine principal
Produits, marchés, commerce
Auction market timber products digitalization
Défi concerné
5. Accroître les performances économiques et environnementales de la chaîne logistique forestière
Type de solution
Plateformes de marketing
Solution digitale
Pays d'origine
Echelle d'application
Début et fin d'année
2021 -
Informations de contact
Propriétaire ou auteur
Camera di commercio di Treviso e Belluno
Antonio Biasi
Andrea Argnani
References and Resources
Référence du projet
PSR regione VENETO Mis. 16
Projet sous lequel cette fiche d'information a été créée
Rosewood 4.0