Edukai Remote Services

Edukai Remote Services

Edukai Etäpalvelut
Edukai Remote Services provides training and support services tailored to customer-specific remote needs.

The Edukai Remote Services customer process helps you to find just the right solutions for your needs. We are able to effectively combine the desired remote software and various devices into an easy-to-operate, customer-looking entity. This saves our customers’ resources for the actual core business. Edukai Remote services is one part of Edukai Oy’s extensive training supply, and the developed methods enables the traditional training in virtual classrooms regardless of location.
Impact économique
Very positive because the need to travel is significantly reduced.
Effet sur l'emploi
Positive because the quality and efficiency of work can be significantly improved
Effet sur le revenu
Remarkable savings in travelling costs
Connaissances spécifiques requises
Not any specific knowledge needed
Potentiel d'exploitation


Prérequis clés
Mediacore IT skills
Domaine principal
Produits, marchés, commerce
Remote learning remote support
Défi concerné
4. Assurer une main-d'oeuvre bien formée à travers le développement attractif de compétences et la formation
Type de solution
Plateforme de données, hubs de data, open data
Solution digitale
Pays d'origine
Echelle d'application
Début et fin d'année
2020 -
Informations de contact
Propriétaire ou auteur
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Anne Saloniemi
References and Resources
Projet sous lequel cette fiche d'information a été créée
Rosewood 4.0