Green City cadastre

Green City cadastre

Green City cadastre is application which contains a list of trees on a specific area i.e. towns.
Application view of best practice Green City Cadastre

Application Green City cadastre presents a list of trees on a specific area i.e. towns. Application contains information about the species and dimensions of trees, the condition of the timber, treetop and roots, and documentation about tree control intervals. Green City cadastre has developed and applied online in two cities in Croatia, Zagreb and Osijek. The application offers to citizens possibility to photograph the situtation in a certain area (dried wood, broken bench, etc.) and to inform national authorities so they can respond in a timely manner.  

Origine du bois
Forêts communales, d'agrément
Domaine principal
Getsion forestière, sylviculture, services écosystémiques, résilience
Green City cadastre application additional information about trees.
Défi concerné
7. Augmenter la sensibilisation du public, l'acceptation sociale et le soutien politique pour la foresterie
Type de solution
Aménagements urbains
Solution digitale
Pays d'origine
Echelle d'application
Début et fin d'année
2005 - 2015
Informations de contact
Propriétaire ou auteur
City of Osijek, City of Zagreb
Competence Centre Ltd. for research and development
Phd Ivan Ambroš
References and Resources
Green City Cadastre of Zagreb
Green City Cadastre of Osijek
Projet sous lequel cette fiche d'information a été créée
Rosewood 4.0