Project “Insense” (soil diagnosis)

Project “Insense” (soil diagnosis)


Easily assess the sensitivity of forest soil to increased biomass harvesting. The owner or manager must enter soil characteristics into the digital or paper application, which indicates the sensitivity level for several mineral elements.

This tool allows more intensive forest management to be applied in areas where the risk of soil depletion is low. It is necessary to train forest owners to describe soil horizons.

This tool is complementary to the ADEME's guide "sustainable forest slash harvesting" of 2006 which indicates how to describe the soil (type of humus, soil texture, pH,...) and gives management recommendations according to the different types of sensitivity.
This application takes into account the pedoclimatic zone, humus type, pH, soil texture and prospective depth. The soil is described 25 cm deep. The result of the analysis gives 3 sensitivity levels: low, medium or high applied generally to the soil or for each mineral element (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen).

Type de bois
Origine du bois
Potentiel de mobilisation
Type de bois concerné
Woody biomass
Potentiel de durabilité
diagnostic tool that can be used throughout the country but must be tested in the field
Impact sur l'environnement et la biodiversité

Limits the impact of slash harvesting on soil fertility in sensitive ares

Facilité d'implémentation
Difficult: a lot of climate and soil data to integrate
Impact économique
Effet sur l'emploi
Effet sur le revenu
Connaissances spécifiques requises
Prérequis clés

Association, organization of meeting days, responding to the NA

Domaine principal
Getsion forestière, sylviculture, services écosystémiques, résilience
Perturbations forestières, risque, réponse aux calamités
Solution digitale
Pays d'origine
Echelle d'application
Début et fin d'année
2018 -
Informations de contact
Propriétaire ou auteur
References and Resources
Projet sous lequel cette fiche d'information a été créée