Forest Management Contracts

Forest Management Contracts


Many forests that could generate income are not really managed and forest-owners don´t take care of them. The causes are very often the low profitability of wood exploitation and the complexity of its management. Forest owners are not usually specialists and are not engaged in forestry activities. This leads to no incomes and to an increased risk of fires and pests. Faced with this situation, Agresta proposes specific contracts to forest-owners, making it possible a professional sustainable management allowing revenues, forest planning, wood mobilization, and infrastructure and silvicultural operations.

Forest management is not enough to get many forests out of abandonment. It is important to be in contact with main stakeholders and the reality of the markets, something that a forestry company can assure.
It is necessary to work with professionalism, entrepreneurial vision and long-term commitment, in a collaborative relationship and win-win with the owner.
The specialization in turnkey forest management by a company allows improving and making profitable the management since it increases the innovation capacity, including the technological one (management software, forest inventories with remote sensing...)

Taking into account environmental and heritage issues of sustainable management

Type de bois
Origine du bois
Potentiel de mobilisation
25.000 m3 per year
Type de bois concerné
Potentiel de durabilité
Very positive
Impact sur l'environnement et la biodiversité

Taking into account environmental and heritage issues of sustainable management

Facilité d'implémentation
Impact économique
High impact for forest owners, more valuable forests
Effet sur l'emploi
Locally high
Effet sur le revenu
Locally high
Connaissances spécifiques requises
Forest management concepts
Domaine principal
Propriété, coopération
Getsion forestière, sylviculture, services écosystémiques, résilience
Perturbations forestières, risque, réponse aux calamités
Solution digitale
Pays d'origine
Echelle d'application
Début et fin d'année
2009 -
Informations de contact
Propriétaire ou auteur
References and Resources
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