RESOFOP | Observation Network for the Private Forest economy

RESOFOP | Observation Network for the Private Forest economy

RESOFOP (Observation Network for the Private Forest economy) is a national network that conducts surveys for forest owners, to get a refined knowledge on how they perceive their forest as well as the issue of climate change. The objective is also to identify what can be done to better adapt forest management to the changing climate. A national report is published each year.

Private foresters had a lot of quantitative data thanks to the data accumulated by the National Forest Inventory for more than 20 years, as well as information on the structure of the private forest thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture's survey in 1999. But they did not take into account the behaviour of forest owners. In 2009, the network for observing the behaviour of forest owners was launched by the CNPF and Fransylva, with the financial support of France Bois Forêt. The objective is to collect new information on the behaviour of forest owners, particularly regarding the management of their forests according to their forest area and the region where they live. In the surveys, the same behavioural trends of forest owners appear: sentimental attachment to their wood, environmental responsibility, heritage to be valued and source of economic income.

The main outcomes include so far:

  • Surveys carried out by telephone to owners of more than 4ha of wood cadastral land with a duration of 15min
  • 2500 people interviewed throughout France during the surveys
  • Other surveys for specific studies at a more regional level (risk perception, climate change,...).  
  • The results of the surveys make it possible to create new management tools for forest owners and new distribution media. They are also used to improve the advice of technicians in order to better take into account the expectations of forest owners and encourage them to mobilize their wood.
Facilidad de aplicación
Very easy: telephone survey to owners using cadastral information
Gestión forestal, silvicultura, servicios ecosistémicos, resiliencia
Investigación y desarrollo
Palabras clave
Climate change forest owners survey social science
Reto abordado
3. Activar a los propietarios privados y la gestión forestal cooperativa
Solución digital
País de origen
Escala de aplicación
Año de inicio y fin
2009 -
Datos de contacto
Propietario o autor
Julie Thomas
CRPF Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Henri Husson
References and Resources
Proyecto bajo el que se ha creado esta ficha
Rosewood 4.0