Timber auction

Timber auction


Wood of exceptional quality of various tree species can be sold at the timber auction. First, trees that have high quality timber and are suitable for felling need to be identified with the help of local forester. After the delivery of logs to the place of auction about one month before the event, potential purchasers have 14 days to give offers for the selected timbers. The timbers are then sold to best tenderer. On the day of the open door, the public can view the logs and the prices reached. High quality logs can be sold to purchasers who will offer a slightly higher price than other wood. However, higher profit may be achieved at auction of timber. Purchasers are looking for timber of precisely defined quality and are willing to pay more. It is possible to reach very high prices at the auction and that can be a motivation for forest owners to invest more interest, time and work in their forests. In the year 2018, 3094 logs were offered by 447 owners, 993 offers were submitted. 90% of logs were sold for over 857.000 € to purchasers from Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. The highest price reached at the auction was 11.833 €/m3 for ribbed Acer pseudoplatanus.

Περιφέρεια προέλευσης
Τύπος ξυλείας
Προέλευση ξυλείας
Δυνατότητες διακίνησης
3000 m3
Τύπος εμπλεκόμενης ξυλείας
Δυνατότητες βιωσιμότητας
Επιπτώσεις στο περιβάλλον και τη βιοποικιλότητα


Ευκολία υλοποίησης
Οικονομικός αντίκτυπος
300 €/m3, Enhancement of regionally added value
Δυνατότητες εργασίας
Positive / Better qualified staff
Δυνατότητες ειδοδήματος
Ειδικές προαπαιτούμενες γνώσεις
Recognition of valuable tree /silviculture
Βασικά προαπαιτούμενα

Cooperation with forest owners and foresters, awareness raising on valuable timbers

Κύριο πεδίο
Ιδιοκτησία, συνεργασία
Διαχείριση δασών, δασοκομία, υπηρεσίες οικοσυστήματος, ανθεκτικότητα
Ψηφιακή λύση
Χώρα προέλευσης
Περιφέρεια προέλευσης
Κλίμακα της εφαρμογής
Έτος έναρξης και λήξης
2006 -
Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας
Ιδιοκτήτης ή συγγραφέας
References and Resources
Έργο για το οποίο έχει δημιουργηθεί το παρόν φύλλο πληροφοριών