Forest Finland | Communication platform of the Finnish forest sector

Forest Finland | Communication platform of the Finnish forest sector

Forest Finland talks about the sustainability of the use of the northern forests. Forest Finland is the joint communication project of the Finnish forest sector, launched in May 2020. The campaign will awaken and raise peoples’ interest and encourage discussion about the forests’ role in everything in Finland.

Forest Finland - participating in combating climate change

Forest Finland is the joint communication project of the Finnish forest sector, launched in May 2020. The campaign will awaken and raise peoples’ interest and encourage discussion about the forests’ role in everything in Finland. Forest Finland talks about the sustainability of the use of the northern forests and about the solutions the sustainable use of them offers. The forest will be seen on TV and heard on the radio, in outdoor advertising and in social media. Forest Finland aims to surprise, awaken interest in the forest and encourage us to discuss sustainable use of the forest. Forest Finland updates our perception of modern forestry. It presents products one could not imagine being made using wood.

The concept is based on the observation that almost everything Finns do is always accompanied by a forest. At christenings, student parties, graduations, weddings and funerals; or on holidays, events and on spare time, forest is always there - at least in the pictures. In fact, we don’t even realize that almost all of our photographs, and with it our memories, always have - at least in the background - a forest. Finns have a special relationship with the forest because it is involved in everything.Everyone can participate. One can share the information in your own organization or on social media, e.g. by sharing pictures you have taken of the forest or by highlighting solutions that the forest produces for all of us.

Core Team, Forest Finland -project:  Kai Lintunen, Head of International Communications; Hannes Mäntyranta, Communication Officer, Domestic Communications; Kaarina Aro, Project Manager, Forest Finland; Anna Kauppi, Senior Specialist, Communication.
Bildung und Ausbildung
Herausforderung adressiert
7. Erhöhung des öffentlichen Bewusstseins, der sozialen Akzeptanz und der politischen Unterstützung für die Forstwirtschaft
Art der Lösung
Bewusstseinsbildung, Aufklärungskampagnen
Digitale Lösung
Umfang der Anwendung
Anfangs- und Endjahr
2020 -
Eigentümer oder Autor
Finnish Forest Association
Kirsi Joensuu
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Kari Mäkitalo
References and Resources
Projekt, in dessen Rahmen dieses Factsheet erstellt wurde
Rosewood 4.0